
Merchant Cash Advance vs. Cheques Factoring

Merchant Cash Advance vs. Cheques Factoring

Apr 2022
Jan 2025

Managing a small business is challenging. One of the common challenges for business owners is financing. Your company might not have a lengthy credit history or collateral to apply for a bank loan. Whether you want to grow your business or cover unforeseen expenses, you have come across other financing options. Merchant cash advance and cheques factoring are some of the available options for small businesses.

What Is Merchant Cash Advance?

A merchant cash advance is an alternative financing option for small businesses. You can take the funds upfront and pay them off with a percentage of future sales. The MCA is an ideal solution for businesses that need fast funding and might not be eligible to take a bank loan. The availability of funds is another excellent advantage. If your business needs the funds fast to proceed with the operations, the cash advance will be approved within a day or two.


Fast access to funds

When timing is crucial and you can't go through the lengthy bank approval process, the MCA is your solution. Small businesses can get funds within a day or two from submission. Unlike the traditional bank process, the financial institutions that issue MCAs don't do rigorous checks. They will check the business's past sales to determine whether they qualify for a cash advance.

Ideal for businesses that work with cash and credit cards

Retail and restaurant businesses rely on a high volume of credit card sales, making them ideal for obtaining MCA. If your business depends on cash or credit cards, a cash advance is the ideal financing method. This opportunity is perfect for the ones that don't rely on invoices. Instead, they take a percentage of the credit card sales to repay the loan.


High-interest rates

Merchant cash advance comes with higher interest rates than traditional bank loans. The convenience of having the funds fast will cost more. However, the price is worth paying when you need urgent funds to proceed with the business operations.

What Is Cheques Factoring?

A post-dated cheque is a cheque that can be cashed on the indicated date on the document's face. It is a form of advance payment and can be cashed on a specific date. According to Canadian laws, a cheque can't be cleared before this date. If you still need cash to keep your business's liquidity, you can sell the cheque to a factoring company.


Fast approval

Depending on the date indicated on the check face, you might have to wait long to receive the payment. If you need to meet your business needs urgently, factoring your cheques will provide you with funds quickly. They will pay off a particular value of the face value while keeping a specific percentage as a fee.

No credit score checks

When applying for a traditional bank loan, they will do a rigorous check on your financial history. When your small business is relatively new and doesn't have a credit history, you might be restricted from obtaining such loans. Your ability for cheque factoring isn't assessed with credit history, and you aren't required to disclose collateral. This is very important, as you don't need to put your property or equipment at risk. The factoring company will check the check for authenticity.

Not deal with cheques

Having to deal with cheques is a tedious job. Passing this responsibility to a third party means less time spent sorting out cheques so that you can focus on the more important aspects of your business.


Higher cost

The factoring company will charge fees to provide you with the cash in advance. They will usually pay 80% of the amount indicated on the face. However, the high cost might pay off if you need money urgently.  


Cheques factoring companies might have specific requirements for cashing out your document. For example, the check drawer should be a reputable entity. Also, the factoring company might have particular requirements on the cheque's active time.

Merchant Cash Advance vs. Cheques Factoring

For cheques factoring, you will pay a fee to the factoring company expressed as a percentage of the total amount. On the other hand, you will pay off your MCA as a percentage of your future sales. When choosing the suitable financing method for your company, select the one that is a better fit for your needs. We at 2M7 are dedicated to providing the needed funds to enhance your business's liquidity without restrictions on how to use them. Get in touch with us, and we will answer your specific needs!

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Many businesses today are facing a cash crunch. In this environment, it’s important to understand the options you have as a business owner. There may be more avenues available than you think.One of those could be a merchant cash advance. What is a merchant cash advance, and how does it work? This guide answers these questions and more.

What Is a Merchant Cash Advance?

A merchant cash advance, or MCA, is a financing option available to many retailers, restauranteurs, and other business people. With this option, you receive cash in advance of actually earning it. The lender assesses you against your anticipated future credit card sales. They’ll then offer you a percentage of those sales as cash.You pay the advance back as you make those credit card sales. The lender takes a set percentage of each sale and puts it towards paying back the advance.

How Are MCAs Different from Business Loans?

A merchant cash advance is different from a business loan in a few ways. First, a business loan is assessed against your history. To decide if you’re eligible for a loan, the lender will look at your credit score. That includes information about payment history, how you’ve handled other debts, and more. They’ll also look at your business’s past income.They’re less interested in information about projected futures. You may show a potential lender your projections for the rest of the year, but they prefer more concrete evidence.The MCA is leveraged against your future sales. Instead of looking at your credit history and past earnings, the lender is interested in predicting future sales.That’s why this option is known as an advance, not a loan. The lender is advancing anticipated funds to you. They believe you’ll earn those funds in the future, so all that changes is when you get the money.Another difference between a business loan and a merchant cash advance is the repayment terms. A business loan is usually an installment loan. That means you’ll make a set payment at regular intervals. Those can be monthly, weekly, or even biweekly.With a merchant cash advance, the lender takes a percentage of daily credit card sales and applies that to your repayment. If your sales are down one day, you don’t need to worry about “making up” the difference or ensuring you’re meeting a minimum payment amount. Similarly, if your sales are high on another day, you’ll be able to repay more of your advance.There are also differences in how the lender earns on the money they’ve given you. A business loan will have an interest rate. Merchant cash advances usually come with holdback rates and repayment rates. Repayment rates are sometimes called factors.The holdback rate is the daily percentage you pay to the lender on your sales. The repayment or factor rate is the amount typically charged. You may, for example, pay a factor rate of 1.20 or 1.40, which means you’ll pay the lender another 20 to 40 percent of the original advance.

Benefits of Merchant Cash Advances for Business Owners

Now that you understand how the MCA works, you’re probably wondering if there are any benefits to using one. There are quite a few, actually.First, merchant cash advances are often more accessible than business loans. This is especially true for startups or small businesses without lengthy operational histories. You may not be able to prove to a loan lender that you can repay a loan. If you have steady credit card sales or other revenue moving through your business account, then you should be able to qualify for an MCA.Another benefit is the speed with which funds can be delivered. Loan applications could take time to process. That’s because the lender wants to check in on your history and make credit inquiries. By contrast, a merchant cash advance lender is more interested in your future. They want to see you have funds moving through your account regularly, and they can use those numbers to anticipate future sales.This process takes much less time, which leads to faster approvals and deposits. If you need cash in a hurry, an MCA is a much faster option than a business loan.Flexibility is another major benefit of MCAs. Since the lender recoups a percentage from sales, the repayment goes up and down with your sales volume. You don’t need to worry if your sales fall, and you can repay the advance faster if your sales are high.

Drawbacks of MCAs

Like everything, merchant cash advances do have a couple of downsides. One is that MCAs don’t help you build credit.  That’s because they’re not loans. If you’re looking to build a better credit history for your business, you may want to investigate other options.Also, you have to consider that the annualized interest rate can be much higher than a business loan. MCAs could end up costing your business more than a loan might, especially over the long term.

How to Apply for a Merchant Cash Advance

MCAs are good options for business owners who need cash quickly and will pay it back relatively fast. They’re also an option for businesses that don’t have long operational histories or may not otherwise be approved for a loan.If that sounds like you, you might wonder how you can go about getting a merchant cash advance.

  • Your first step should be to research providers in your area. Compare offers. Be sure you understand the holdback rate and factor rates for each offer.
  • Fill out the application form provided by a lender. These are typically one to two pages. You’ll have to provide basic details about your business, such as your business tax ID.
  • You’ll also need to provide documentation. This is usually a combination of bank statements and payment processing data. The lender will likely ask for several months’ worth of information, so they can accurately assess trends and the amount you qualify for.
  • Once you’re approved, you can set up processing as required. Finalize the details on the advance, and make sure you understand the terms. Repayment sometimes starts as early as the next day.

Fund A Better Tomorrow for Your Business

If you’re worried about financing, you have plenty of options out there, and the merchant cash advance is just one of many.If you think a merchant cash advance might be right for you, get in touch with our experts. With their help, you can get access to the funds you need when you need them.

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How to Attract Customers to Your Store in 2021

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Cut Down on Customer Waiting Times

The number of COVID-19 patients may be decreasing, but the pandemic is far from over. People are still taking some precautionary measures, and the general public doesn't want to hang around your store waiting for their turn at the cashier. You should optimize the customer experience to make sure that individuals can come in, buy something, and leave within the span of a few minutes. This might not bring in new customers, but it will keep older ones returning.

Offer Incentives to Customers

E-commerce might not have the same feel. But, it's still superior when it comes to convenience. You need to give the shoppers an incentive to drive out to your store and actually spend time indoors. The world has gotten accustomed to shopping online, and you have to drag them out of their houses by offering incentives. This can be a coupon, a discount code, a buy one gets one free deal, etc. An example of this would be the Costco hotdogs. The store has been selling its hotdogs with a price tag of $1.50 since 1984. The company is honest about the fact that they're losing money annually because of the hotdogs, but it does give an incentive to individuals to visit the store and eventually buy products while they're there.

Curb Appeal

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Regardless of what strategies you employ to attract customers, it’s going to cost you and your business money. If you’re trying to get back up on your feet and regain some financial stability, 2M7 Financial Solutions can help you out. 2M7 offers merchant cash advances that can help businesses bounce back post-shutdown. We can provide your business with a merchant cash advance when you need it. Contact us today to learn more.

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Why Maintaining a WorkLife Balance is So Important

People are working harder than ever. Chances are, you have put in some long hours at your job. While this is admirable, it is also important to make sure that you have a proper work-life balance. Here’s a look at the top benefits of properly balancing your life at the office and at home.

1) Reduces stress

According to a recent survey, due to Covid-19, the majority of the Canadians feel stressed during the day. With stress comes adverse effects to the body and the mind. Lots of that stress comes from fixation with work. Therefore, it is important to take your mind and your body away from the workplace to allow yourself time to depressurize from your daily responsibilities.

2) Prevents burnout

More and more people are switching careers. One of the reasons why people will leave a career after a few years is because of burnout. Therefore, it is important for people to have a chance to relax and not have to grind all the time at their job. By preventing burnout, you can continue on your career and potentially reach new heights at your job.

3) Ensures physical well being

No matter what your age, it is important to stay physically active. For those who work in an office for 12 hours a day, it is hard to get the physical activity needed to stay healthy. Thence, it is important for you to get out of the office, go for a walk or do some simple exercises to get the blood flowing and properly maintain your body. By staying physically active, you can lower your blood pressure, maintain a proper weight and prevent atrophy of your muscles.

4) It increases productivity

When you have a proper work-life-balance, you are able to get more things done. That’s because you will be refreshed and comfortable at your job which can lead to better productivity. It’s a good idea to give yourself at least 12 hours of free time between workdays to allow you to recharge and have full focus at your job.

5) Allows you to enjoy life

It’s important that you take the time to enjoy your life. After all, you will not look back on your life and regent not taking that extra business meeting. When you take the time to enjoy life, it will give you the energy to be more productive at your job. Be sure to give yourself time to take a vacation every now and then to feel better.

Need Help When Work Becomes Overwhelming?

If your business needs a little help, rely on 2M7 Financial Solutions to help you get back on track. We can provide your business with a merchant cash advance in one business day. Contact us today to learn more.

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