
2M7 Featured in CanadianSME Magazine: “Ways to Secure Funding for Your Small Business”

2M7 Featured in CanadianSME Magazine: “Ways to Secure Funding for Your Small Business”

Jan 2023
Jan 2025

2M7 Financial Solutions is honoured to be featured in this month’s CanadianSME Small Business Magazine, with an interview highlighting small business financing advice from 2M7’s CEO, Avi Bernstein. From his insights on the state of the lending landscape, to his expertise on the challenges facing small businesses today – Avi provides insider advice on alternative lending options that can help small businesses secure the funding they need to operate and grow their business.

In the interview, CEO Avi Bernstein discusses the many factors that traditional lenders use to evaluate whether a business qualifies for a loan, and why this digital credit score algorithm method of evaluating businesses, is increasingly resulting in small businesses being denied funding from lenders such as banks and credit unions.“

Rapid shifts in new technologies, increased competition, and the state of the economy have led to an increased need for financing, but it is becoming increasingly more difficult from small businesses to access funding from traditional lenders,” said Avi, when asked about the challenges that small businesses face when it comes to securing funding. “Most small businesses need loans to bridge the gaps during uncertain times such as these, but small business owners continuously struggle to secure working capital.”

For over a decade, 2M7 has been dedicated to leveraging its expertise in the Canadian lending landscape to help as many small businesses as possible to get access to the working capital they need. This dedication has led to the development of a proprietary algorithm which uses a unique approach to evaluate risk and determine credit worthiness – enabling 2M7 to fund businesses that might not otherwise qualify for a traditional loan.

Furthermore, the 2M7 team strives to provide an alternative lending solution that better meets the needs of small Canadian businesses than traditional loans. With minimal requirements and simple terms, 2M7 has designed a straight-forward borrowing option that essentially provides small business owners with a cash advance that is deposited directly into their bank account within 24-48 hours, to use immediately within their business as they see fit.2M7 Financial Solutions continues to be at the forefront of the innovative technologies and processes that are transforming the Canadian financial industry in order to help grow the small businesses that are the backbone of our economy. As the industry continues to evolve, the 2M7 team is committed to continuously improving its flexible funding solutions and working closely with small business owners to better meet their changing needs.

To read the full interview, click here to open page 37 of this month’s digital edition of CanadianSME Small Business Magazine.

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Making Payments on Time

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Keeping Up With Competition

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Reducing Personal Investments

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Closing Thoughts

The word 'debt' is not the final nail in the coffin for your company. With proper planning, it can help you reach heights that you never imagined. That is where we come in. 2M7 Financial Solutions is a company that offers merchants cash advances, which you can return from a specific percentage of your sales. If you're looking for a reliable company to help you outshine your competition, request a quote, we will be happy to assist you.

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Changes in Oversight

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1) Reduces stress

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2) Prevents burnout

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3) Ensures physical well being

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4) It increases productivity

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5) Allows you to enjoy life

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Need Help When Work Becomes Overwhelming?

If your business needs a little help, rely on 2M7 Financial Solutions to help you get back on track. We can provide your business with a merchant cash advance in one business day. Contact us today to learn more.

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