
Essential Steps to Become a Successful Small Business

Essential Steps to Become a Successful Small Business

Sep 2019
Jan 2025

Around 50 percent of businesses will close their doors before their 10th anniversary. Rates of survival are different depending on the industry you’re in. Every successful small business takes some essential steps. If you want to drive success for your business, follow these tips.

Focus on Your Clients

No business can survive and thrive without customers. By focusing on your customers, you’ll deliver great service and delight them every time. Over time, this means better relationships with your clients. In turn, they’ll buy more and they’ll tell their friends about your business.

Make Marketing a Priority

Nobody can work with your business if they don’t know you exist. That’s why marketing efforts are so vital to small businesses. Invest in a marketing plan and get the word out. Ask your customers to give you a review, or use social media to promote your brand.

Hire the Right People

Working with the right team is another essential step for any small business owner to take. If your people are dedicated and passionate, they’re ready to help your business grow. They’ll also be able to deliver better products and services to your customers. A team that’s ready to go the extra mile is one that’s headed for success.

Use Technology to Grow

Whether it’s a mobile app or a new cloud server, the right technology can help your business grow. Successful small businesses use programs and devices that help them delight customers.The technology could help you cut costs and deliver faster service to your clients.

Find the Right Funding Options

Hiring an employee, buying the right technology, and implementing a marketing plan all cost money. Successful small business owners leverage alternative financing like small business loans or MCA to make it all possible.Discover more about merchant cash advances and other alternative funding options. One of them could provide your business with the funds you need to thrive in 2019.

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What’s the Difference between MCA and Business Loan?

If you’re a small business owner, you know it can be difficult to maintain cash flow. While there are different financing options on the market, many people might consider a merchant cash advance (MCA) and a business loan to be the same thing. While these are both legitimate options to consider, there are key differences you should know before choosing between a merchant cash advance and a business loan.

Bank Loans are the More Traditional Option

A bank loan is the more traditional financing option and what many people consider when they are starting a business or require additional capital, for example. Once approved for the loan, the bank provides a lump sum of cash in exchange for monthly payments over a set period of time with either a fixed or variable interest rate.

Merchant Cash Advances Have Crucial Differences

The merchant cash advance industry is one of the pioneers in alternative lending options - these are not your traditional business loans.An MCA provides your business with a lump-sum payment, like a loan, but the repayment plan is not structured in monthly installments. Instead, the MCA is repaid using a percentage of future credit and debit card sales drawn directly from your future revenue.MCAs, therefore, do not qualify as a loan and don’t require personal guarantees or a stellar credit score.If your small business needs an influx of capital, consider a merchant cash advance before you visit your bank. If you have questions about the differences between lending options, we are always here to help.

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February 16, 2021
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Expanding Your Business through Merchant Cash Advance Benefits

Expanding your business is an exciting opportunity, but it can also present serious challenges. One of the most common is actually cash flow issues. How? If the business is growing, shouldn’t you have more money flowing in? Business may have increased, but you might need to pump money into equipment or hiring new staff so you can keep up with demand. Until you can get that new computer system or hire that extra person, your customers are experiencing a bumpy sort of service. Your income could be uneven as a result, as you might not have the products they want when they want them. You might have trouble getting invoices out on time. Does this sound like your business? A merchant cash advance could be just what the doctor ordered. The benefits of an MCA could help you manage the cash flow issues presented by an expanding business. Here’s how.

Merchant Cash Advances Help You Get the Cash You Need

A merchant cash advance, or MCA, gives you access to funding based on your future credit card or debit card sales. The lender will look at your past sales, then extend you an advance as a percent of estimated future sales. That means the more sales you’re likely to make, the bigger the advance can be. In turn, you can invest it into whatever you need it for. That’s because the MCA doesn’t have to be directed towards certain goals, unlike an equipment loan or a payroll loan. You can use the funds for what you need, when you need it.

MCA Repayment Terms Are More Flexible

Another bonus of a merchant cash advance for a growing business is that the repayment terms are more flexible. With a traditional loan, you’ll have a set payment that you have to make every month. With a growing business, income can be unpredictable. That, in turn, could lead to situations where you’re crunched for cash. You may feel squeezed needing to make your monthly loan payments. That could lead to bigger problems, such as a poor credit score or even defaulting on a loan. Since an MCA is made against your future sales, you pay it back as you make those sales. If your sales dip lower than expected, then your payment falls too. If you make more, then you can pay your loan back faster.

It’s Faster to Get a Merchant Cash Advance

If you find yourself in a pinch over payroll or other financial obligations, then you might wonder what choices you have to get the funding you need. A merchant cash advance is much faster than getting a traditional loan. That makes it the perfect stop-gap measure for a growing business. Whether an unexpected expense crops up or sales grew slower than you’d hoped, an MCA can help you make up the difference.

Need Some Cash?

If your growing business needs a quick influx of cash right away, then it’s time to get in touch with a merchant cash advance provider. With their help, you can keep your business growing the right way.

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Why Businesses Should Choose Merchant Cash and Working Capital Loan

The business world has been turned upside down in the last few months, which has led to many questions for business owners. One of the most pressing has been about finances. In the current global climate, you may wonder what options you have to keep cash flowing. As it turns out, you have quite a few choices. The question is more about which options will work best for your business. There are quite a few reasons merchant cash advance and working capital loan could be the right fit.

What is Merchant Cash and Working Capital Loan?

Merchant cash and working capital loan refers to business financing options available to merchants on the basis of their future sales. It includes tools like merchant cash advances.A merchant cash advance, for example, is estimated on your future sales. The lender offers you cash to help you keep the business operating by estimating what your future sales are likely to be. Unlike a business loan, this option can be quite flexible as a result.

Why Choose Merchant Cash and Working Capital Loan?

Why are options like merchant cash advances so popular? One reason is that they provided the flexibility small businesses need.Since the advance is estimated on future sales, you pay the advance as you earn those sales. That means your payment can vary. If you have high sales, you can pay the advance down faster. If your sales are low, you won’t have to struggle to meet a high payment.The amount of the advance can also be variable. It’s also a great option for businesses that need ongoing cash injections. It also works for newer businesses or businesses that need smaller loan amounts.If any of this sounds like your business, then it could be time to discover what a merchant cash advance can do for you. Get in touch and find out if this option fits your business’s needs.

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